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Over 100 Albury History Society audio and video recordings, from 1947 onwards, to listen to or watch:

* We can provide any illustrated talk for which we have the set of slides to other organizations. *

001 Mrs Win Browne, Albury Friendship Club, March 1981, 24min.mp3

002A Mr Vic Woods (81) builder, Recollections of Albury with Bob Casbard, ~1981, 45min.mp3

002B Albury Bygones evening using the archives, Bob Casbard, AVH 9 September 1981, 46min.mp3

003 Augustus Pugin by Clive Wainwright, V&A Museum, AVH 31 October 1979, 58min.mp3

004 Evening of Reminiscence at Weston House, identities at end, 10 September 1980, 1H35min.mp3

005 Timber Framed Buildings of Albury by Miss Carol Martin, AVH 22 October 1980, 1H15min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

006 The Ground We Tread by Mrs Blatchford, AVH 20 November 1980 1H30min.mp3

007 Pigeon Houses by Dr Maurice Burton, AVH, 22 April 1981, 1H2min.mp3

008 The Craftsman, His Trade and Tools, Vic Woods interviewed by Dr Burton at Heathmead, Little London, AVH 26 October 1977, 31min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

009 Miss Helen Lloyd with senior citizens of Farley Green, Recollections, identities at end, 11 June 1974, 52min.mp3 - - - PHOTOGRAPH

011 Smugglers of Albury by Mrs Jean Kirby, read by Bertram Caton, Study of Weston House, Version1of3, 28 April 1982, 1H2min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

012A Mrs Etherington and sister Francis Swanfox, Recollections of Life in Albury, Weston Yard Cottages 23 August 1982, 1H18min.mp3

012B Proverbial Philosophy by Martin Tupper, The Songwriter's Guide to Victorian Sensations, BBC Radio 4 extract, July 1983, 6min.mp3

013 8th Albury Old Church Evening, Albury through the Ages, 19 June 1982, 1H17min.mp3

014 Smugglers of Albury by Mrs Jean Kirby, read by Bertram Caton, Master Version3of3, 1999, MD 39min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

015 Martin Tupper by grandson Rev Martin Tupper, AVH 27 April 1983, 55min.mp3

016A The MAY family from America, Weston House 17 July 1984, 43min.mp3

016B Dr Maurice Burton 90 presentation by Geoffrey Elms, Weston House garden, Recorded by Trevor Brook Sunday April 10 1988, 10mins.mp3

017 Mr Stanley Lloyd son of Percy Lloyd, with Bertram Caton & Bob Casbard, 21 January 1984, 1H19min.mp3

018 Recollections of Dr Maurice Burton with Bertram Caton & Bob Casbard, Drawing Room, Weston House 23 August 1984, 1H44min.mp3

019 Tales of a Family by Ralph Dabner, AVH 18 April 1983, 22min.mp3

021 The Surrey Musters by Mrs A Patterson, AVH 21 March 1984, 59min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

022 Gypsies by Denis E. Harvey, author of English Gypsy Caravan, AVH 19 October 1983, 1H50min.mp3

023 Bronze Age Settlements in Weston Woods by Mrs J Harding, Shere VH (repeat of AHS 1977 talk) 10 January 1984, 58min.mp3

024 Chilworth Gunpowder Works by Professor Alan Crocker, AVH 17 October 1984, 1H38min.mp3

025 Montgomery Plaque Unveiling by Albury Trust, Geoffrey Elms, Bertram Caton, Maurice Burton, Albury Heath 1 September 1984, 15min.mp3

027 J C (Jack) & Dorothy Jeorrett with Bertram Caton & Bob Casbard, Fairlee, Farley Green 14 March 1985, 50min.mp3

028 11th Albury Old Church Evening, Picture of a Village, 22 June 1985, 1H5min.mp3

029 A History of Guildford by Bertram Caton, AVH 17 September 1986, 1H25min.mp3

030 12th Albury Old Church Evening, Drummond bicentenary and Albury moves to Weston, 22 June 1986, 1h5min.mp3

031 Albury Then and Now by Bob Casbard, AVH 19 October 1986, 1H27min.mp3

032 The Mills on the Tillingbourne by Dr Peter Brandon, AVH 19 November 1986, 1H45min.mp3

033 A History of Christmas Cards by Dr Maurice Burton, AVH 21 October 1987, 59min.mp3

034 The Hamlet of Weston by Dr Maurice Burton, AVH 9 December 1987, 1H27min.mp3

035A Albury House by John Foulsham AVH 18 March 1987 46min.mp3

035B AHS Annual General Meeting, AVH 18 March 1987 17min.mp3

036 13th Albury Old Church Evening, Keith Abrams Musicians, Verse and prose The Four Seasons, 20 June 1987, 1H1min.mp3

037 A Baker's Tale by G King with Bertram Caton & Bob Casbard at Broomfield, New Road, Gomshall 21 January 1983, 50min.mp3 - - - SLIDE LIST

038 14th Albury Old Church Evening, Village Life, 18 June 1988, 1h18min.mp3

039 The Paper Mills of Surrey by Prof Alan Crocker, AVH 16 November 1988, 1H30min.mp3

040 Albury Memories by Alfred Howick, April meeting, Recorded Blythwood, Shophouse Lane, Farley Green 9 March 1989, 37min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

041 15th Albury Old Church Evening, Helen Arnold - Harp, Country Life-, 24 June 1989, 1H20min.mp3

042 Albury Charities by Anne Patterson, AVH 22 November 1989, 54min.mp3

043 Extracts from Anthony Browne's Diary by Win Browne, used AVH 21 March 1990, 18min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

044 16th Albury Old Church Evening, Dr GA Hornett Piano Vivian Jones Flute Bernard Longley Baritone, 25 June 1990, 1H44min.mp3

045 A Postman's Knock by Albury postman Leslie Quantrell BEM, AVH 17 October 1990, 53min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

046 17th Albury Old Church Evening, Quatre Sax Group John Henslet Jeff Nages David Whittle John Young, Flowers and Flowering, 22 June 1991, 1H4min.mp3

047 Four Clerics of Albury by Retta Casbard, AVH 18 March 1992, 36min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

048 18th Albury Old Church Evening, David Hansell Jenny Hansell, Courtship & Marriage Bertram Caton Astley Jones, June 1992, 1H38min.mp3

050 Recollections of Albury Estate by Charles Ward, AVH 17 March 1993.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

051 Albury Home Front Trevor Brook Win Browne Jenny Fairhurst Margaret Elston Mary Instone Gallop Derek Keen Doris Tebenham Kim Taylor Retta Casbard, November 1992, 56min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

052 Henry Drummond of Albury by Retta Casbard with pauses for slides, 16 March 1994, 43min.mp3

053 20th Albury Old Church Evening, Camerata Oriana, Reminiscences- Bertram Caton Sally Caton Roger Taylor, 12 June 1994, 1H14min.mp3

054 Percy Lloyd - Albury Photographer by Retta Casbard, talk with slides, Rec Blythwood, Shophouse Lane, Farley Green 15 March 1995, 12min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

055 19th Albury Old Church Evening, Arnaud Quartet, History of the Old Church by William Foster, June 1993, 53min.mp3

056 21st Albury Old Church Evening, Primrose Four Consort Ldr Freddy Hilll, Bridging the Centuries by Retta Casbard Sally Caton Daphne Foulsham Geoffrey Elms Bill Folkes Roger Taylor, June 1995, 1H4min.mp3

057 Albury Church Sesquicentennial, Astley Jones interviews Margaret Huffener, 29 September 1992, 32min.mp3

058 Albury Church Sesquicentennial, Astley Jones interviews Keeper of the Brasses Kathleen Merritt, 28 September 1992, 32min.mp3

059 Albury Church Sesquicentennial, Astley Jones interviews Harvest Luncheon and Church Sale organiser Mary Rose Litler Jones, 29 September 1992, 19min.mp3

060 Albury Church Sesquicentennial, Astley Jones interviews Margaret Tupper, 27 August 1992, 29min.mp3

061 Albury Church Sesquicentennial, Astley Jones interviews Win Browne at Kylekin, Brook Lane, Little London 4 September 1992, 29min.mp3

062 Albury Church Sesquicentennial, Astley Jones interviews Godfrey Jillett (72), 26 August 1992, 30min.mp3

063 Albury Church Sesquicentennial, Astley Jones interviews Elsha King (79) at The Little House, Heath Lane, Albury 31 August 1992, 34min.mp3

064 Albury Church Sesquicentennial, Astley Jones interviews Gerard Sherman, Catholic Apostolic until 1946, 25 August 1992, 24min.mp3

066A Albury Church Sesquicentennial, Astley Jones interviews Captain of the Tower Bob Knights, 4 October 1992, 14min.mp3

066B Albury Church Sesquicentennial, BELLS aRinging Chamber bEntrance Porch cChurchyard SERVICE aHymn bNicene Creed cHymn dOrgan Playout, 4 October 1992, 24min.mp3

067 Time to Reflect - Albury Church Sesquicentennial 150th Anniversary by Astley Jones & Trevor Brook, October 1992, 34min.mp3

068 Albury Park Mansion by resident Malcolm Lister with slides, 20 March 1996, MD 33min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

069 John Evelyn of Wotton by Retta T.L. Casbard, 17 April 1996, MD 59min.mp3

070 22nd Albury Old Church Evening, Jane Sims Violin Andrew Coleman Cello, Roots- Bill Folkes Bertram Caton Sally Caton, 8 June 1996, 1H4min.mp3

071 A Pitch Hill Childhood by Albert Carter, undated, MD 47min.mp3 - - - TRANSCRIPT

072 Hearth and Home by Retta Casbard, Feb 2000, MD 43min.mp3

073 Address of Alderman C.E. Bunton, Mayor of Albury, NSW, Australia, on Albury becoming a city, 78 RPM, 10 April 1947, MD 8min.mp3

080 Life and Times of AHS Founder Helen Lloyd 1899-1977 by Mrs M Elston Intro Dr M Burton 22 November1978, SR001, 59min.mp3

081 Smugglers of Albury by Mrs Jean Kirby, read by Bertram Caton at Shere HS, Version2of3, 10 May1983, 39min.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

082 Bottings Mill Albury, Visit, Part1 vintage wooden machines, Part2 new pressure extruder, Recorded by Trevor Brook 12 July 1988, 1H9min.mp3

083 Albury Passion Play, names needed, Master, 1995, 48min.mp3

084 Albury Heath to Luneburg Heath, Bertram Caton, xx, xx, Trevor Brook, xx, Bob Casbard, xx, Retta Casbard, undated, 23min.mp3

086 Australian Connection Albury 50th Anniversary, undated, MD 14min.mp3

087 Mrs Nursey (96) interviewed by Bertram Caton and Bob Casbard, April 2000, MD 53min.mp3

088 Albury At War, Presenter Trevor Brook, undated, MD 56min.mp3

089 Albury War Memory, name needed, July 2005, MD 25min.mp3 - - - TRANSCRIPT

100 Albury Memories, AVH 16 September 2014.mp3

104 Anne, Nancy Shurlock, Crick (100) with Sally Caton, October 2015, 59min.mp3 - - - TRANSCRIPT

105 Munich, Albury Holiday Camps and the Sudeten Czech Refugees, Trevor Brook, November 2018.mp3 - - - SCRIPT

106 The Albury Water Supply by Pam Taylor AVH 19 March 2019 47min.mp3

107 The History of Newlands Corner by Trevor Brook, online 17 September 2020.mp3 - - - SCRIPT - (Also video for members)

112 The Old Stones by Andy Burnham, AVH 18 May 2021 - - - (Also video for members)

115 Clandon-A House Reborn by Martin Ellis, AVH 15 March 2022 - - - (Also video for members)

116 Guildford's Lost Shops by David Rose, AVH 19 April 2022 - - - (Also video for members)

119 Some History of Farley Green by Trevor Brook, 15 November 2022 - - - SCRIPT - (Also video for members)

120 Munich and the Czech Refugees in Surrey by Trevor Brook, 13 October 2022 - - - SCRIPT - (Also video for members)

121 The History of Newlands Corner for RSHS by Trevor Brook, 13 September 2023 - - - SCRIPT - (Also video for members)

122 A Romany Lifestyle by David Rose and Geoff Burch, AVH 19 September2023 - - - (Also video for members)

123 A Manorial Conversation, Handa and Ben Bray, AVH 17 October 2023 - - - (Also video for members)

124 Brook and Little London History, Two Hamlets in the Hills by Trevor Brook, AVH 21 November 2023 - - - SCRIPT - (Also video for members)

125 Tunsgate Corn Market by Hugh Anscombe, AVH 18 April 2023.mp3 - - - (Also video for members)

126 SOE Winterfold by Paul McCue, AVH 19 March 2024 - - - (Also video for members)

127 350 Years of Weather in S.E. England by Ian Currie, AVH 16 April 2024 - - - (Also video for members)

129 Chilworth Gunpowder Works by Andrew Norris, AVH 21 May 2024 - - - (Also video for members)

130 The Changing Face of Local Media by David Rose, AVH 24 September 2024 - - - (Also video for members)

131 The Life and Loves of Ada Lovelace by David Thorpe, AVH 15 October 2024 - - - (Also video for members)

132 Albury Park and Mansion by Trevor Brook, AVH 19 November 2024 - - - SCRIPT - (Also video for members)

135 Sixty Years On - A Decade of Turmoil at the RGS by Keith Browning, AVH 18 March 2025 - - - (Also video for members)

VTS_01_1 History of Botting and Sons Flour Mill in Albury Surrey GU5 9AA.WMV

VTS_01_2 History of Botting and Sons Flour Mill in Albury Surrey GU5 9AA.WMV

William Oughtred - Rector of Albury 1610 - 1660 by Retta Casbard - - - SCRIPT

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